Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Did you move that?

The other night after Sophia was asleep, I started cleaning up the toys,etc. I noticed our chair that is normaly over by the T.V was now by our computer. I asked Luke if he moved it, and he said I did earlier that night. Now I know sometimes I do things and forget, but I was pretty sure I did not move the chair. This morning I was peeking out through the kitchen and I noticed a STRONG little body slidding the chair across the floor. To my relief that I am not crazy, I grabbed my phone and got my proof. My little mover looked up at me with a big smile as if to say "I finally did it, the chair looks ALOT better over here"


jillybean22 said...

That is so funny! My kids used to be little furniture movers too. It must run in the family.

pinkmorning said...

that is amazing! she is so strong!

Anonymous said...

I love it! Isn't it crazy how fast they grow? Sawyer is turning 1 on Oct, 10. He has been trying to walk for a while but i guess crawling is way faster! Hopefully we can get together soon! Sophia is adorable!