Friday, August 8, 2008


I went to pick up Sophia from the babysitters yesterday and SURPRISE she had received a new do. Her cousin Brooklyn (age 5) decided that Sophia would look much better with an asymetrical look. I am sure it is the first of many to come :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Famliy Pictures at Wheeler Farm

Luke's family loves to take family pictures! (due to the fact all his sister are so photogenic and Jill is super sexy) After two long hours and a day in the heat we got some great shots. Here is one with the whole family.
Me and my sister in laws hubbys. I thought this picture was classic. I love everyone's expressions. This picture has inlaws written all over it.

My little family. Don't we look great. We are ALWAYS this happy and good looking at all times.

Luke and Sophia are both so beautiful. The best part of my day is when I get to come home and see them. They brighten my life!