Friday, July 18, 2008


So I am testing out some differant diapers. I have always used Huggies and I am happy with them. Lately the Huggies have started to get to tight aroung Sophia's belly. My friend uses Luvs and gave me a couple to try. I put Sophia in one over night (the true test) and they worked great. I will have to admit they are diferant then Huggies but seem to stretch out great. Plus they are $10 cheaper for the big box then Huggies or Pampers. Thought I would share the news for anyone who wants to try a change and save some money. LUVS worked great for us.

1 comment:

jillybean22 said...

We loved Luvs. I remember wishing that they had them in smaller sizes so we could use them for our new babies. And now they do! Too bad all our kids are out of them.